To offer quality education that will enable students to acquire knowledge, skills and values that will enable them to design their own life in the best possible way to face the challenges posed by the competitive world and to develop into socially responsible, independent and lifelong learners with multi dimensional skills and values to positively contribute as global citizens.
Develop the students physically, mentally and spiritually through quality education and prepare them to face the challenging, competitive world. Impart education which looks beyond the frontier of formal education – to develop the co-curricular and extracurricular potentialities in them. Provide opportunities to students to imbibe a balanced combination of academic excellence, character building and personality development.
Nurture the innovative and creative abilities of all the students by successfully stimulating their growing, natural talents. Improvise the school’s curriculum from time to time to keep pace with the advancement made in the field of Education. Inculcate a feeling of understanding and fellowship and teach students to respect all cultures, religions and communities through the various programmes and activities in school. Design the teaching-learning process in such a way as to meet the specific needs of each student and enable everyone to receive education in its finest form.